Tag Archives: Lamplight

“Suicide Squad” issues 21 – 23

Written by Ales Kot

Wildstorm Concepts: gen13-lynch Authority - Bendix - Amaze Authority - Bendix - Crow Jane Authority - Bendix - Impetus Authority - Bendix - Lamplight

All-star WesternThe first two issues don’t feature any Wildstorm concepts, but they set up the third one. Issue 23 shows the surprising return of the StormWatch Zero members, you know, the super-secret StormWatch team created by Henry Bendix. Only this time they’re led by Lynch, who is back from having defeated Majestic on the pages of “Deathstroke.” Lynch starts messing with the Suicide Squad to get the attention of its leader, Amanda Waller, who was in the Team 7 with Lynch. Amanda thought Lynch was dead after she shot him in the head in their final Team 7 mission, but soon picks up on the clues. After a mission in Vegas set up by Lynch, the Suicide Squad is able to trace the technology to a foreign dictator called Paris Mingowee. Lynch is trying to sell him on the idea of a superhuman team that would become his personal security detail. That’s where the Suicide Squad comes in.

Honestly, it’s a bit jarring to see Lynch act as a villain here. Amanda says she had to shoot Lynch because he was turning bad and his approach to leading Team 7 was turning into something she couldn’t condone. But it wasn’t like that — Lynch was brainwashed by Pandora’s Box.

Anyhow, the two teams being to clash, and it’s interesting to see the StormWatch Zero members, because they were originally parodies of DC characters. Harley Queen faces Crow Jane, who was based off Black Canary, who actually was part of Team 7 in this universe. Killer Croc faces Lamplight, who was based off Green Lantern. Cheetah faces Impetus, who was based off Flash. Deathshot faces Amaze, who presumably was based off Wonder Woman. There’s an extra member to StormWatch Zero here – Titan. He’s a new character, though; the old Wildstorm Titan was a Giant Man parody, and this one is more like Superman.

Somehow, the Suicide Squad kicks their butts, through methods as ridiculous as Deadshot courting Amaze into a make out session. Granted, he was doused with pheromones. It gets even less realistic when Titan shows up to interrupt them, and Deadshot deals with him by kicking him in the balls.

Lynch gets shot through the ear by a sniper, but he survives. However, he’s less likely to have survived the bombardment Amanda orders. As the evil dictator surrenders, the Squad walks out with a victory, and Lynch seemingly dead. But as we know, he never stays dead long.

Next: “Future’s End” issues 0 – 20, written by Brian Azzarello, Jeff Lemire, Dan Jurgens and Keith Giffen.